Reflection #9 Top Web 2.0 Sites and Forum

As I was browsing through the web in search of Web 2.0 sites, I found some interesting things that I would like to share as reference to me or others trying to integrate technology in the classrooms.  Here is what I came up with!

Top Web 2.0 sites
1.) - a place where you can post photos and have students/participants discuss their reactions.  The site acts as a new age social media forum that is focused on education.
2.) - I recently discovered this site on my top community forum.  This site allows teacher to upload a video and customize it so it caters to students and cultivates a engaging learning experience.  Ideal if you are interested in flipping your classroom.  I would like to try this out more!
3.) -This site allows users to download youtube videos and save it.  I know there are times when our classrooms do not have access to the internet and this ensures that the video is ready to play without streaming it.  I use this site often and it has become a very useful Web 2.0 tool.
4.) - This is a must have site for all teachers or anyone needing an engaging presentation.  I recently started using it and it has made lessons very entertaining, which is important when delivering lessons.  I do find the transitions cause some to feel dizzy so I do not recommend this is the best option for everyday lessons.  If anyone has any other presentation sites that they recommend I would appreciate hearing about them!
5.) - This site is something that I am getting accustomed to.  It utilizes augmented reality, which is a way of embedding virtual images to real world object.  This is very useful if you want to make pictures come alive and engage students!  Another alternative is Aurasma, which is more user-friendly.
Top Instructional Technology community site/forum
1.)   - I just found this site/forum and it sparked my interest right away!  This community introduces new and developing technology that can be used in the classroom.  I learned about edpuzzle through this forum! Enjoy!


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