Synthesizing Augmented Reality and culturally relevant(responsive) education

Paulo Friere is one of the most profound educators that inspired me to teach and helped shaped my outlook on education.  Jamal Cooks and Jeff Duncan Andrade, both are professors at SFSU, continue the path the Friere took into revolutionizing education forming theories such as critical and culturally relevant pedagogy.  Critical and culturally relevant pedagogy is way to liberate and empower the minds of the learner.  As I prepare my presentation on Augmented Reality, I am enlightened to see that Augmented Reality is a representation of my style and perspective of teaching.  Computers, once thought as a way of liberating the minds of learners, are transforming the learner into automatons relying on "banked information" to gain knowledge.  Augmented Reality symbolizes the integration of technology and learner working together to reach critical consciousness, Friere called this conscientizacao.  One does not take control of the other.  Learners are not restricted to being drones staring into a screen and the technology is not providing complete solutions to the learner.  Depending how it is used, Augmented Reality and the learner can engage in a cycle of action and reflection to develop critical knowledge.  If viewed in a particular lens, Augmented Reality can be the solution to the education gap that has been created by the institutional system within our schools.


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