Insert Learning Chrome App

 I wanted to take time to talk about this app that I haven't tested but has potential to be used for a variety of class lessons and teaching styles. The chrome app is called INSERT LEARNING. First of all, the app is a way to make web pages interactive and engaging. With nearpod and peardeck presentation slides transforming the way we lecture and make remote learning the new normal. We have new technology that has the power to transform instruction but since we were rolled out new technology through a crisis technology is consuming the hearts and minds of our learners. This new app integrates skill building with technology use to transform the way we teach and learn. The app is a program that you can easily install on your computers using chrome and easily syncs with Google Classroom, making it simple to set up. I found the app great for teaching students to annotate and analyze a piece of reading. The experience is very humanizing and helps us get back to the root of teaching while implementing and adapting to new emerging technology.


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