10/6/2015 Critical Media Literacy post #2

Critical Media Literacy="ability to access analyze evaluate and communicate info in a variety of forms, including print and nonprint messages" (Media Literacy Defined, 2013)
"In a digital age, we must learn to make the software or risk becoming the software" (Rushkoff, 2010)

These two quotes were taken from an article called Transforming Teaching and Learning through Critical Media Literacy by Antero Garcia, Robyn Seglem, and Jeff Share.  I often heard of the term critical media literacy but never fully understood it.  Reading this article has opened my eyes on the dangers of the digital age.  Educating students on critical media literacy can counter the dangers.  We live in a world where the elite control the system and in result control the minds of the people.  Critical Media Lieteracy is important to develop among new generation of learners.  Social media makes communicating and spreading messages accessible to all.  Dangerous beliefs by individuals made through social media influences the social discourse of people.  Students need to travers the realm of media, especially digital media, in order to make informed and conscious decision for their communities and the world.  The need for teachers who are critically conscious and are aware of critical media literacy is so important for the future of education. 


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